by James A. Bacon
What’s the Honor Committee to do when a student who violated the Honor Code refuses or is unable to comply with his or her “sanction” ordered by the Committee? That’s one of the tricky questions arising from the shift to a multi-tiered system for punishing lying, cheating and stealing that the Committee wrestled with Monday during an Honor Town Hall.
Sanctions under the system of multi-tiered sanctions can range from expulsion and suspension to taking training or making amends. The new Honor constitution approved by UVa students this spring did not address what happens if convicted students don’t meet the terms of their punishments.
The point of having a non-compliance sanction is to ensure that people meet the deadlines for complying with the punishments, said Kasra Lekan, an engineering school representative.
The Committee Monday considered the merits of applying a new sanction for failing to comply with the original sanction… or just issuing a warning. As the Cavalier Daily reports, “These warnings would continue until the student complied with their sanction.” Continue reading