Sign Up for The Jefferson Council Annual Meeting

Members and friends of The Jefferson Council,

I am sending out a reminder to please sign up for our April 5 annual meeting and dinner at Alumni Hall in Charlottesville. We’ve got 72 signed up so far but I’d like to fill up the Alumni Hall capacity of 200. We can do that, but as I told my sales teams during my multi-decade banking career: “It’s not about the quality of your sales pitch, it’s about your ability to close the deal!” I need you help to sign up and encourage friends to join us.

Please do not wait any longer to register. The invitation is attached and the instructions on how to register/pay online are highlighted below. If you follow my line-by-line payment instructions you will have paid and been automatically registered.

Mail checks to:

The Jefferson Council
c/o Wilgis, Darrell & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 401
Riderwood, MD, 21139-0401

See you April 5……and Wahoo-wah!

Warm regards,

Thomas M. Neale
University of Virginia Class of 1974
Treasurer and Co-Founder

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Donald T. Smith
3 years ago

I hate to ask it, but is there any way that one can attend without eating dinner? I am a poor, aging ‘Hoo who will have to forego $90 in tutoring revenue just to drive down from Fairfax to attend. Can you set a price just for the meeting before the dinner?

2 years ago

If the extra $90 expense were defrayed, would you attend?